capntom asked this question on 4/13/2000:
I don't know if you have noticed, but I have removed myself from this panel, because i feel that i'm not qualified to answer the questions,another reason i removed myself was because i am unable to understand why some experts insist on being rude and disrespectful to other experts, maybe it makes them feel good. I will continue to read all the questions and answers since this is one way for me to expand my mind. In closing i just say that a few and you know who you are, need to start asking questions instead of answering them. Good night and Thank You.
Tom Donahue aka Capntom
Manassah gave this response on 4/14/2000:
Hello capttom, May I ask you a question I understand in all reality I already did, but I will ask again.What is your relationship with God? Do you have a relationship with God? You seem to be quite angered and frustrated. May I ask Why did you first become an expert? what was your motive? I know by fact that if your motives are geniune then it shouldn't matter what people think. We(people) need to be very careful and realize that though we may not see the individuals we write to they are infact real human beings with real emotions. A computer screen isn't the place to hide . I fyou aare not able to say these things or give good counsel( not all counsel is good) to individuals face to face then one really doesn't have the right for their sake and others to do so behind a mask. Your decision is up to you but you need to release the strongholds of unforgiveness that are in your heart. We need to respond to all things with the love of christ, via the blood that was shed for each and everyone of us at calvary. This is why I asked If you had a relationship with God. I would like to hear( read rather from you, i may be able to be an eye in this situation you can lean on, I don't havethe answers but I can guide you to the one that does. Please be encouraged. Manassah
capntom asked this follow-up question on 4/14/2000:
Afternoon, Manassah, I am neither angered nor frustrated, I removed my from this panel, because i was tired of being attacked for giving what i thought were geniune, real thought out answers, other people thought different. These people who I'm refering to are the ones that are angry and frustrated.I became an expert on this to continue the work i do during the day, i have a large amount of insight into human suffering, much more then most of the expert on this panel, on a daily basis i deal with over one thousand people who are either homeless or just down on their luck. I try everyday to assist these people back on their feet. I attempted to do that here, but was attacked for my straight forward no nonsence answers. I do not beat around bush, if a person needs help i don't add fluff to the answer, i just gave them the facts. people on this panel were rating answers not based on their merit, but on who answered, that to me is child like and immature. My relationship God is something that him and I will hold in private, I will say that i'm a christian man and try to be a good person everyday.
capntom asked this follow-up question on 4/14/2000:
Afternoon Manassah, I gave your answer a five, if you notice someone has come by and knocked it down. Do you now see why i left?
Manassah gave this response on 4/14/2000:
Hello, I gretly respect your honesty but truly should ratings even matter? If in your heart you aare doing right, then you have the power to plant a very much needed seed insomeone elses life. to me there isn't any rating even high enough for that. It is our job as individuals with education to shine somelight on issues that the world claim hopeless. If you are able to be that light then I say go ahead no matter what. Remeber that Jesus died for the truth and not everyone agreed with him either. Manassah
Manassah gave this follow-up answer on 4/14/2000:
Hey I just took a look around and I can't find where anyone said anything, Tell me where to look, not that it matters but I was just curious. Manassah
capntom asked this follow-up question on 4/14/2000:
look for my first question about abuse, aN expert names snowbird decided to take it upon himself to insult not only me , but my place of employment and then it just continued on until it i just didn't want to deal with it. then he wrote a public statement about my answers, you can view it on the question board.
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capntom rated this answer a 5.