capntom asked this question on 4/13/2000:
I don't know if you have noticed, but I have removed myself from this panel, because i feel that i'm not qualified to answer the questions,another reason i removed myself was because i am unable to understand why some experts insist on being rude and disrespectful to other experts, maybe it makes them feel good. I will continue to read all the questions and answers since this is one way for me to expand my mind. In closing i just say that a few and you know who you are, need to start asking questions instead of answering them. Good night and Thank You.
Tom Donahue aka Capntom
wwnelsonfive11 gave this response on 4/13/2000:
Please don't let a couple of people influence your opinion of this venue. There will always be those who disagree with you, or those who will disparage your honesty. I would ask you to continue reading the responses and gain knowledge so that you can be of help to those people you see all the time who need someone's help. Remember, you may be the one person they hear at the right time in their lives that makes a difference.
I respect your self-assessment that you don't consider yourself an "expert". Please keep in mind that none of us is truly and expert. Only God can be considered a true expert! However, He uses us the way we are. True? So, please be ready to be used whenever the opportunity is given to you. I hope to see you back here as an "expert" soon!
wwnelsonfive11 gave this follow-up answer on 4/13/2000:
The thought occured to me that you don't have to answer all the questions. Perhaps you could review the questions and, if you find one that you feel you could be of help, answer that one.
I would really not like to see you remove yourself as an "expert". I feel you will find some of these questions right down your alley! And, each of us has something to offer here.
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