capntom asked this question on 4/3/2000:
Evening Xperts,I was just wondering, it appears to me that there seems to be a large segment of the people who ask us questions are women with abusive boyfriends or husbands. My question is why do women insist in staying in abusive enviroments. My job during the day is working in a Salvation Army Shelter as the director of security with A daily flow of 1100 clients, it boggles my mind when i watch these women get tormented by their mates, Yet they stay and take it
MARTIE gave this response on 4/5/2000:
Hi I wanted to say I know where these women are coming from,I too was in these types of relationships.It is very hard to understand a situation unless one has lived it,there are many reasons why these women do this.At the time they don't know either,they are lost themselves in what ever they feel.It seems hopeless to them,or they are use to this type of life.What ever the reason it may be to why these women stay is a fear they have within them,over coming the fear with help is the next step and with people wanting to help peolpe like yourself.Martie
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