Anonymous asked this question on 3/31/2000:
A student in my child's class has threatened to kill another student and blow up the school. The school knows about it and says they are handling the situation.The student had been suspended but has returned to class.All the kids are afraid of the girl. My daughter comes home everyday crying and telling me she is afraid.How do we handle this?Should we pull her out of school?This student has picked on my daughter as well as others on a weekly basis.We appreciate any advice,thank you., A student in my child's class has threatened to kill another student and blow up the school. The school knows about it and says they are handling the situation.The student had been suspended but has returned to class.All the kids are afraid of the girl. My daughter comes home everyday crying and telling me she is afraid.How do we handle this?Should we pull her out of school?This student has picked on my daughter as well as others on a weekly basis.We appreciate any advice,thank you.
d_ottr gave this response on 4/4/2000:
The answer is not to pull her out of the school. That only emboldens the little creep that is terrorizing probably not only your daughter, but others in the school as well. The school MUST, and I EMPHASIZE >>>MUST<<< take a zero tolerance policy against even the mere threat of violence in the school. You are seeing first hand the detrimental effect that this kid is having on the other students. Force the hand of the school officials. Take this issue to the PTO, the school board, even the media. You can't let this kid disrupt the learning process. And, you can't risk the fact that he just might be serious about his threats someday....
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