capntom asked this question on 4/3/2000:
Evening Xperts,I was just wondering, it appears to me that there seems to be a large segment of the people who ask us questions are women with abusive boyfriends or husbands. My question is why do women insist in staying in abusive enviroments. My job during the day is working in a Salvation Army Shelter as the director of security with A daily flow of 1100 clients, it boggles my mind when i watch these women get tormented by their mates, Yet they stay and take it
Liveagain gave this response on 4/4/2000:
There are several reasons why a woman would take abuse from a man. One of them is fear. An abusive man will tell her if she leaves or calls the police he will make her really sorry that she did take such an action. Since men are physicaly stronger, when this seed is planted it grows very fast. Another reason is low self esteem and codependence which can start early in childhood with childhood abuse or growning up with a parent of parents who are alcholics. Another reason is financial or they could have grown up in a house where this was an acceptable form of behavior. Also, for many years, society has turned a deaf ear to situations like this and also made the woman feel and think that she was somehow made responsible for a man treating her in this manner. It is a very complex situation.
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