Anonymous asked this question on 3/31/2000:
A student in my child's class has threatened to kill another student and blow up the school. The school knows about it and says they are handling the situation.The student had been suspended but has returned to class.All the kids are afraid of the girl. My daughter comes home everyday crying and telling me she is afraid.How do we handle this?Should we pull her out of school?This student has picked on my daughter as well as others on a weekly basis.We appreciate any advice,thank you., A student in my child's class has threatened to kill another student and blow up the school. The school knows about it and says they are handling the situation.The student had been suspended but has returned to class.All the kids are afraid of the girl. My daughter comes home everyday crying and telling me she is afraid.How do we handle this?Should we pull her out of school?This student has picked on my daughter as well as others on a weekly basis.We appreciate any advice,thank you.
Brandie gave this response on 4/2/2000:
I am sorry to hear you daughter has been subjected to this girl's threats and harrasment. There are several ways you can insure your child's safety and well being. Talk to the principal and let him/her know that not only your child but others as well are having threats made towards them, and they are being harrased by this girl.Rexplain the obvious, that your child has the right to attend school where she can learn. Not to be physically or emotionally tormented or threatend. Tell him/her that you want the torment to stop or you are going to the school board on this matter. If you go to the school board I would reccomend having a pettion signed by parents and students stating how this out of control girl is ruining not only the safe enviroment of the school but she is causing emotional problems for others. Your child or noone else can be productive in an enviroment they don't feel safe in. You can also go to the police station and file a report, stating the conduct of this child. It is against the law to threaten anyone, no matter how old the aggressor is. I would reccomend sending a copy of the police report and the petition to the girl's parents. This will let them offically know that you are not going to stand for your child to be harrased or threatend. You may at 1 point if it doesn't stop have to get a restraining order. Then if the girl breaks the restraining order she will be prosecuted. Boot camp or an alternative school just might be where this girl needs to be. If the principal, school board, and police don't or won't help put a stop to this girl, I would suggest calling the local tv network and have them do a story on the situation. The more public this problem is made, the more likely someone will do something about it. I would only as a last resort pull my child out of school. Please try to use all your other options first. I hope everything works out for you and I hope your daughter can overcome what has happened to her.
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