joe_martinez asked this question on 3/24/2000:
For many years, there was a fued between the Hatfield's & McCoy families beginning in the early 1860's through 1891 when the fued finally came to an end. Do you know Why or How it came to an end.
larrybergen gave this response on 4/2/2000:
I have the distinct pleasure of being involved with a descendent of the Hatfeild clan and according to family lore the feud was simply a bussiness feud, that noone was actually killed and that the hollywoodization of the whole fued is completely fabricated. The text books as well glomorized this. While there was an involvement of two loves between the family,the rest is literary license. In fact they weren't even hillbilly's, they were well to do owners of a lumber company.
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