Anonymous asked this question on 3/28/2000:
Lately my boyfriend and I have been getting along so-so it angers him that when he calls I am either not home or to far to hear the phone, he talls me that I better be here at a certain time because he hates waiting, and this is so weird because he is so sweet, but his emotional outbursts are a problem.
theblondpoet gave this response on 4/2/2000:
You should becareful that's how abuse starts by contolling. First he may say he wants you there on time everyday, then it leads to not allowed to see friends or have friends, he might get very jealous if you see your friends or your not paying attention to him as he may want you too. Down the line he may get physical w/ you and then it's harder to get out because you will keep thinking he will change. theblondpoet