Anonymous asked this question on 3/31/2000:
A student in my child's class has threatened to kill another student and blow up the school. The school knows about it and says they are handling the situation.The student had been suspended but has returned to class.All the kids are afraid of the girl. My daughter comes home everyday crying and telling me she is afraid.How do we handle this?Should we pull her out of school?This student has picked on my daughter as well as others on a weekly basis.We appreciate any advice,thank you., A student in my child's class has threatened to kill another student and blow up the school. The school knows about it and says they are handling the situation.The student had been suspended but has returned to class.All the kids are afraid of the girl. My daughter comes home everyday crying and telling me she is afraid.How do we handle this?Should we pull her out of school?This student has picked on my daughter as well as others on a weekly basis.We appreciate any advice,thank you.
synderella gave this response on 4/1/2000:
You will need to contact your local police department, maybe school board members, many schools take these things too lightly, and it hurts the parents more than the student, Pulling your daghter out of school is not an easy way out, because many other schools students are being terrorized, my advice is to write a letter and sign it, the letter should state that your child is being terrorized by another student, ask for protection of your daughter and the school tell them it is a notice of a terrorist attack. If they dont listen try the schoolboard, and the police. Taxpayers pay for education of the student, and you as a payer should be allowed to know what will happen, when and if anything will be done, demad to know this information, I know this because a lot of the time schools wait untill it is to late, I have you both in my prayers.
Please let me know what will be done. All God's blessings
Please keep me informed
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