Anonymous asked this question on 3/28/2000:
Lately my boyfriend and I have been getting along so-so it angers him that when he calls I am either not home or to far to hear the phone, he talls me that I better be here at a certain time because he hates waiting, and this is so weird because he is so sweet, but his emotional outbursts are a problem.
drpiano gave this response on 3/30/2000:
This young fellow is developing a bit of insecurity. You need to find out why. Why is he feeling threatened? When you discover that, you will have the first step toward reassuring him. It really doesn't sound like he is into control. He is, most likely, afraid of losing you. You need to determine why. What might have happened to make him feel so insecure? Did a former boyfriend surface in your town? Has he had some recent setbacks in his life? I sense that this relationship might be worth saving. Please find out the answers to these questions, so you can make progress with this problem...