Labugana asked this question on 3/21/2000:
In the last few years I have noticed that men have become abusive towards women. It is not only in one race but in all. What is the explanation of this behavior?
StandingBare gave this response on 3/23/2000:
Domestic violence is one of the most pervasive problems in our country today. It is true that we see it differently, report it more often and punish the offenders more often, but it is also true that domestic violence is on the rise. Many blame this on the issue of male dominance of power and control. But male entitlement, society, and religion are justifications for abuse/violence, not causes. If they were the cause why wouldn't all men be violent?
Violence is a symptom of a deeper problem. There is growing support that domestic violence offenders sufferer from attachment disorders as a result of abandonment issues in childhood. Violence is not soley a result of emotional damage either - it is a choice, made out of frustration from lack of better choice, in attempt to gain control when they feel out of control. This feeling of out-of controllness- is an internal fear that needs to be healed though counseling and stop through legal sactions. Both need to happen if we are to stop DV.
The reason domestic violence is on the rise is because there are more and more children growing up feeling emotionally and physically abandoned. This causes rage and rage always leads to violence -- in or out(self abuse or other abuse).Unless we learn to validate our children feelings, violence will continue to escalate.
No one deserves to be a victim of violence, ofenders must be held accountable and they also need help.
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