Labugana asked this question on 3/21/2000:
In the last few years I have noticed that men have become abusive towards women. It is not only in one race but in all. What is the explanation of this behavior?
Brandie gave this response on 3/22/2000:
I believe men have probably been abusing women for centuries. In other words it is not a new thing. Women today talk about it and seek help more today, because there are so many wonderful programs today that can help them. Alot of these programs didn't exist 20 years ago. Women had to then stay in abusive relationships, because they "needed a man" to provide for them. Women were basically taught that they had better accept their man as he was or they would be doomed. I believe men abuse women for a couple of reasons. Alot of men feel they have to control their women, so when his mate doesn't live up to his ideas he abuses her. Abuse is about power, the power to control another person. Some men don't view women as people but view them as property, which is a lie, because they don't or wouldn't let anyone else abuse their tools, or vehicle. Think about it, the man that abuses his mate wouldn't kick his car would he? Some men think of women as being on the level as a child, so he has to so called keep her in her place. Some men who abuse have learned this behavior from their own fathers or male figures in their lives. They think abusing is a part of life it's the way things are done so to speak - learned behavior. Some male abusers think they have to show their mate who's the boss. Basically abuse for whatever reason is about POWER, pure and simple.
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