Anonymous asked this question on 3/19/2000:
Can you offer assistance with issues on Stalking? My ex-boyfriend has been harrassing me for several months now. Thank you.
Detective gave this response on 3/19/2000:
I am sorry to hear about your problems. I have a very useful section at our web site which details an extensive collection of issues to consider if you are being stalked. Unfortunately it is lengthy so it would be hard to put into this answer format. Visit our web site at:
Go to the FREE Reports page and you will see a link for the Assault Prevention/Stalking report. I sure hope this helps and if you need further assistance, let us know.
Take care.
Michael Director of Investigations TACTICS Private Investigators
The average rating for this answer is 5.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Great! That report was very helpful and your web site it wonderful.