hairbeaner@... asked this question on 2/24/2000:
My son attends middle school in 6th grade. A boy threatened to bring a gun to school and shoot my son. I have since found out that there have been 6 such threats in his school this year alone. Am I the only one who thinks this is a lot? I am being told by the principal and the police that this is something kids this age do.
mtk1339 gave this response on 2/25/2000:
First of all school should not be threating place for any kids since it is a learning institution. Second if you feel threatened bring it up at PTO meeting or talk to the police about this. In other cases of school shootings kids have threatened and everybody ignored and stuff has happened. I would recommened that you take action as soon as possible because this kid could be serious. I presonally would take any threats that were made about guns seriously. Talk to the police and/or file a complaint against this kid if you have to. The police have to take action if you feel threatened or your child feels threatened by this other child. Also I would be worried about this kid if he has made more than one threat about guns in school.
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