look888@... asked this question on 2/8/2000:
We are senior citizens in East Windsor, Ct. We have made many complaints to town officials of a large pitbull dog next door (15ft or less-between mobilehomes) that has 8 weeks of urine and feces on the ground in 6ft high stockade fence. THEY DO NOTHING for months. Does anyone know how very unhealth this is??? We live in a barnyard. Any suggestion????
AngelRose34 gave this response on 2/12/2000:
I am sorry about your situation, it sounds like those dog owners don't care about you or even the dog. Something does need to be done about it. I think that this is very unhealthy for you as well as the surrounding people as well. My suggestion for you would be to call the local dog warden or animal shelter, because they need to be turned in. Because this is not only unheatlhy for you but for the dog as well. You can ask to remain anonymous and they can not give anyone your name. I feel certain that they will do something about that situation. I hope that you can resolve this problem without any trouble coming to you.
I hope this helps you.
Blessings, AngelRose
look888@... asked this follow-up question on 2/13/2000:
I cannot believe I got tangled into this awful situation without even moving. Thanks
AngelRose34 gave this response on 2/13/2000:
Yes and what upsets me is the fact that some people don't even care. That seems to be the trend today with the "new generation". It seems to be ok to "not" care about your neighbors. My mother-in-law who is also a senior citizen has the same problem with the neighbors and the dog and it really angers me to see that dog in such horrific situations, not to mention the stink that rises and always seems to come over to her yard. It is discusting. I really wish you good luck. I hope you have called the right authorities. Although I will tell you that we have tried also and no one seems to be doing anything about it. It is very frustrating. I hope your problem is resolved and I wish you the best. I just wanted to let you know that someone out here DOES care.
Blessings, AngelRose
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