Anonymous asked this question on 2/3/2000:
I married a childhood boyfriend several years ago (separated for 1 year now) I thought I knew him but didn't. He put me thru hell, watching every move I made, following me(for no reason I might add)and when he'd ask me a question and I answered he'd say "no you did this or that" driving me to almost insanity. Now when I see a car like his or someone who looks like him it almost scares me to death. I panic in every sense of the word, sometimes crying, wanting to find some place to hide. I don't want the people I know thinking I'm crazy or I can't handle this but I can't! I'm always looking over my shoulder & afraid I'm going to have a breakdown in public. I don't know what's wrong or how to get help without someone putting me away. What's wrong with me???
HugsandSmiles gave this response on 2/7/2000:
Well not knowing the details you are probably having an anxiety attack because of all he put you through. It wouldn't hurt for you to go and talk to a therapist and even ask if they think you should be on some anti-depressants for the time being until you are capable of handling this situation.
The average rating for this answer is 4.
Anonymous rated this answer a 4.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. Good to know someone cares.