post 29: more on april

From: "Virginia McClaughry" <>
Subject: post 29: more on april
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 21:17:06 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Dir I and R
(Flag staff ethics section)
Virginia McClaughry
Solo Nots auditor
cc: virginia’s ethics file
cc: Maa Sc April

High Crime Report
MAA sc April

In an ethics interview with April, concerning my now suspended Eligibility, we were discussing the point of my refusing to do the RTC six month security check as it violates the HCOB’s C/S Series 73RB, and Confessionals and the Non-Interference zone, I asked April what do you want me to do? Just do the check even though I would be violating KSW and LRH hinself has stated that I should not? April said why not? This statement violates Keeping Scientology Working, and is a Tech Degrade.

Virginia McCLaughry