AskMeContentEditor asked this question on 5/15/2000:
Hello Wiccans,
We here at have received a spate of emails regarding a user named DD_3000, and a few from him as well. We are aware of his presence in a number of places at (including Wicca), and have been monitoring his postings for quite some time.
We have a general policy here at of not being totalitarian dictators, of not imposing our ideals from on high, and of not censoring ideas. We believe that an open forum of exchange is one of the site's best features, and work hard to facilitate such an open sharing of ideas.
To allow such an exchange of ideas to exist, we have provided users with a number of features:
1. Experts who receive direct questions can either answer the question or can decline to answer the question, with no loss of points. 2. Questions on the question board can be answered or ignored. 3. Experts who post profiles that indicate that they have particular beliefs can either be asked questions, or be ignored. 4. Experts who post answers that other users disagree with can be given low ratings, or can be challenged on the question board.
I am pleased to see that experts in Wicca have chosen to take advantage of all of the available tools, and have been quite pleased at the creative nature of many of the answers given to DD_3000's question board postings. (Favorites include: "God created the heaven and the earth ... but not before having a nice cup of herbal tea.")
Unfortunately, such openness often comes at a cost, and that cost can include some users feeling as if their ideas are challenged, not respected, or otherwise belittled. I am afraid that DD_3000's postings to the Wicca question board and certain experts are having that effect.
Although I would prefer that the users of deal with differences of opinion themselves -- either by ignoring people with whom they disagree, or by discussing the differences intelligently -- I can see it is time to step in and take some action in the Wicca category.
1. I have removed all postings from DD_3000 that are not direct questions. 2. I have warned DD_3000 that posting statements unrelated to the question board topic is inappropriate. 3. I have removed Wicca experts who were abusive in their responses to DD_3000. Such abuse by anyone is not tolerated at 4. I will monitor the site and continue to remove postings and users who do not live up to the general communal standards of internet etiquette.
I hope that such monitoring will not be necessary for long, and that the users of will exhibit the tolerance, openness and intelligence that they are so capable of. Your feedback is welcome, either with an answer to this posting, or by emailing me at, attn: Content Editor. I will attend to each email sent to this address personally.
WickerMan gave this response on 5/17/2000:
I remain your #1 fan, and I applaud your desire to not try to manage the forums / categories. I love free expression: having "DD 3000" injecting non-questions in a question and answer forum is therefore something that I personally was willing to put up with. It is worth the tiny price, in my opinion. I therefore did not see it as a problem.
If he had dissenting ideas and opinions (and he's oh so obviously a HE--- why is it so often a HE?!?! Maleness seems like a disease to me at times), I for one would welcome his input; yet from his "questions," he had no desire to offer his opinions on Wicca. If he believes he knows more about the subject than other people, he "should" sign up as an expert and offer his three cents. What could be fairer?
I give "DD3000" more slack than he would ever be willing to give me; maybe he should ponder THAT point and come to realize that Wiccans are not the evil heathens he may believe we are.
So again, thank you.