knowingthecreator asked this question on 5/14/2000:
Please, what is Wicca?
whisper gave this response on 5/15/2000:
Wicca is a religon that was started about 50 or so years ago based on an older religion that has been around a very long time (sorry, I have never been good at remembering dates or numbers) It has a duel diety system. most wiccans beleive that there is at least one goddess and god and many beleve that there is more. We beleive in spells and chnts and magic. and most of us belive in reincarnation. We follow the "do as ye will as long as it harms no one" law. and most of us beleive in the law of three. " what you do, good or ill, will come back to you times three." We are all very indiviualistic, so there are many differnt answers to this question. some people think of us as secretive. But I think that is because we don't actively try to recruit any one. We tend to beleive that there are many differant paths and if this one is right for you, you will find us without our help. blessed be, whisper