DD_3000 asked this question on 5/12/2000:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
gabby2600 gave this response on 5/12/2000:
Prove it!
DD_3000 asked this follow-up question on 5/13/2000:
Look outside.Is the earth here?
gabby2600 gave this response on 5/13/2000:
Come on you can do better than that
Just because the Earth is here does not mean he made it come on you think I'm that simple. So I must then have made the Statue of liberty. because it's there.
I want youto prove to me that Your god made this planet I want Evidence that can prove scientificaly that your god made this planet. Just because it is here dose nto mean he made it. So I take it in your school they don't teach elementary Physics and the Big Bang Theory and the rest of that malarky.
You must Think me a simplton to believe what you have told me.
Get Real
DD_3000 asked this follow-up question on 5/15/2000:
I can probably come up with something better.But why should I?If you can't prove that He didn't why should I prove He did?The Bible says He did and you know I will believe the Bible.Come on you know better than that.
gabby2600 gave this response on 5/15/2000:
well I believe he did not, I can prove he did'nt. as there are lots of other stories about creation, why is the one in the bible more true than any of the others? To you it is because thats what you believe, but I don't believe that as there is more than one account of this happening. Also I think the big bang is the best explanation so far. and that is what I believe. And Like yo I hav not Physical proof only scientific data. And I'm sure you have no real physical proof.
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