Anonymous asked this question on 5/14/2000:
Hail and Bright Blessings, Herbwitch. You are indeed a kindred spirit! I deeply appreciate the answers you have given on this Page (& on your Herb Gardening page). I would like to hear your thoughts regarding sending out "global blessings." By this I mean sending blessings of healing for the Earth and sending out blessings to ease the tension, hurt, anger, and greed between people and groups; etc. Here again we encounter the "gray area." Should we of the Wiccan path send out such blessings if we have not specifically been asked? Would my sending out blessings of love, healing, compassion, understanding, wisdom, etc., be considered interfering with the free will of others or interfering with the Earth's own spirit and biology? Thank you for talking about this. Blessed be!
herbwitch gave this response on 5/15/2000:
Slainte and Merry met Anon,
I believe as Wiccans it is our duty to heal the earth and its inhabitants. the reason a blessing is okay and doesn't opppse the Rede is that a blessing by definition must be acknowledge by all parties so that it can be effective. so say i sent you a blessing if didn't accept the blessing the energy would just move on free or just ground itself.
I hope this helps. Blessed be.
The average rating for this answer is 5.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Ah, yes. Thanks from Moonpaws! And you are really helping with your herb gardening answers, too! Thank you for being!!