mydnyte asked this question on 5/14/2000:
Is there such a thing as an afterlife in Wicca? How does it, if it exists, compare to the views of Christians or Moslems? If it doesn't exist, what do Wiccans see as reason to live a good or fulfilling life?
Princess_Abby gave this response on 5/14/2000:
Merry meet Mydnyte! You've asked a very good question and I'll do my best to answer. Wiccans do believe in an afterlife. Laddool was right when he told you it is called the Summer Plane. It is also called the Summerlands by some. It is a place where Wiccans believe the soul goes to gather its thoughts and get purified for rebirth. Everything in nature is a continious cycle. Wiccans believe that nature is sacred and beautiful and therefore everything in our lives should also be a cycle. That is why we believe in reincarnation. Christians believe that in order to go to Heaven one must do good deeds in their life and believe in Jesus Christ. Wiccans believe in the doing of good deeds also. We believe that whatever you do, be it for good or bad, will come back to you times three. This is much like Karma. This belief keeps us from harming others and makes us stronger better people. I hope I've answered your question well! Blessed be, Princess Abby
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