ms_emt asked this question on 5/16/2000:
Blessings from our lord above to those who attempt to help me! My problem is my son-18 yr.old just told me that he is a witch and also his girlfriend of one month. He was raised in an christian enviroment and accepted Christ at approx. age 14. He says that these witches(wicca) only do good spells on themselves. I believe there is only one God and that any magic/power recieved from other sources is evil. I don't know what to do! I know that it promises if you teach a child the right path to take that he will come back to it and I know to pray. He says that he did this two weeks ago., and I asked him if he still believes in God,Christ and his salvation and he said yes, but I'm not so sure that he isn't just telling me what I want to hear. Please help me and let me know if there is anything I can do further. Thank you to those who answer my question and may the Lord bless you!
LittleOx gave this response on 5/17/2000:
peace be with you and you child.
this kind of evil, I have had contact with first hand, as have my mother and sister. I want to make a point here with you that you already know, and that is that this a REAL power, evil as it is, you cannot rid this demon(s) by yourself. I suggest in addition to talking to the good people here, contact you local pastor and start a prayer chain among your christian friends. Imagine that you are "washing" your child in prayers and Chirst's blood (as someone mentioned earlier). In addition to praying for your child, YOU MUST pray for yourself and your spouse (if any). This kind demon is tricky and will switch attacks and if you are not strong in the Lord, it will get worse.
To share with you an experience.. My mother was always the strong spritiual leader of our family. When my sister and I were in High School we hung around a bad crowd that enjoyed "spooking" around the haunted house of my hometown. I got a kick out of it, but never expected to see anything. One holloween, I was out with my friends and my sister went out with hers. They went to a so-called haunted house and ran into trouble. I went to a party that turned into a "seance/ouji board" type situation. Meanwhile my mother is at home praying for the both us, sensing that something went wrong. Well to make a long story short, I saw some things move and felt an evil presence, my sister and her friend's truck died in front of the house and they began to see things as well.. but the real attack was at home on my mother. She was physically attacked by a demon, and saw some scary things in her room.
I write this not to facinate anyone, but to state that this kind of evil can turn on all who pray for their children, their friends and others who are being tempted by Satan. For me.. I have a prayer partner in heaven, St. Michael the Archangel. His has bound the Devil up before (by the grace of God) and he will do anytime! Just as the Devil (a fallen angel) is real and has power, Michael has been given power from God to smack this demon in his tracks..
A Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
O Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our protector against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humblely pray. And Do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the divine power of God; cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.