Anonymous asked this question on 4/29/2000:
An old roommate owes my money and I really need it. If I cast a spell to induce it to give it to me is that violating the principle of free will?
WickerMan gave this response on 5/4/2000:
You are looking at the issue incorrectly, in my opinion. You don't need a "spell." You need to stay right here in the mundane world and demand what is owed you from your roommate. Performing "spells" is an act of last resort when hard work and effort alone cannot achieve ethical results. Please be very selective in what "spells" you are willing to use, regardless of the issue of ethics. A metaphore: Would you use a hammer to open your compter's case, or a screw driver?
Use the right tool for the job. Get in your roommate's face and insist on what is owed to you. Save the "spells" for the important work that shysical effort cannot achieve.