bombaymtm@..., a user from, asked this question on 5/4/2000:
What is paganism and what should I do if I wish it start a practice or worship in paganism? What are some good beginners books? I study and believe many of the old native american ideas. How does these two world come together and in what why are they different.
I appreciate any information you could send me.
Thank you,
Mark M.
cheriec gave this response on 5/4/2000:
Paganism is the practice of an earth based religion meaning that we worship the earth and the energy and forces within her and the universe. Most pagans worship a Goddess as well as a God. Paganism is very close to the old Native American ways, it does have some shaministic roots. They will differ depending on the person practicing them. Paganism really has no set in stone way to practice. If it works for you use it and if it doesn't feel right then don't. Some good books to read would be The Pagan Path , Drawing Down the Moon, Wicca a Guide for the solitary practitioner and Witchcraft Today. I hope this helps .