Anonymous asked this question on 4/29/2000:
An old roommate owes my money and I really need it. If I cast a spell to induce it to give it to me is that violating the principle of free will?
luise gave this response on 5/3/2000:
Dear Gentle One,
Most everyone's answers so far has been good. However, I do disagree with one of the answers. One said not to cast a spell, but drop hints to the person to make them think you did. The one thing you must realize that all thoughts are magickal actions. Intent is everything. If you intend to make the person think you cast a spell, that is still imposing your will on another person. Etherically and Astrally, it is the same as physically casting the spell. You just didn't use any props or tools.
If you want to cast a spell, do it. If you want to use mundane means to get the money, do that as well. But Mind Games are just as harmful if not more so in the mix of it all.
Blessings, Luise