idi_amin asked this question on 5/2/2000:
I would like an individuals perspective of The "American Dream" that can express the importance of religious freedom and how America helps facilitate these freedoms. Also what uniqueness that the United States presents to fullfill the American Dream and why is United States a better place to realize and fullfill the "American Dream" and what exactly do you believe the American Dream to be. I'm doing a paper for my Enlish class and I would like an inteligent perspective, and thats why I'm asking you. If you have any personal stories that I could use that propose your realization of your American Dream because of some uniqueness that the United States had to offer I would like to read about it. Thanks.
MoonNiteWolf gave this response on 5/3/2000:
Well actually the USA has a thing called the Bill of Rights, which in it has ammendmants... Well the first ammedment has these rights for ANY citizen who lives in the USA: Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of petition, and a few others.... So if you can freely speak, and practice any religion freely then this is very good! Any other questions?
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