thatyrj asked this question on 4/10/2000:
I've been studying religions and faiths for about ten years. I've pretty much got who believes in what. Wicca however, still seems to be "calling" me. The problem is I live in a country in which that kind of "religion" is not very easy to study. Brazil is a majorly catholic nation and, trust me, I've looked, but I haven't found any covens much less anyone to talk to about this. How do I start out in this solitary path? Is there any basic literature I should read? How do I know that wicca is really "right" for me? Are only people of nordic ascent capable of the practice? If anyone out there can help.... I'll be truly grateful :) Thanks!!
luckey87 gave this response on 5/2/2000:
you sound like i did only my father is a preacher and he sees witches as devil worshipers(?). and had the same problem wicca seemed to be calling me also it was the hardest choice i ever had to make. my mother and father still dont know and i have been wiccan for almost two years i will just say go with your heart and search your self to see if it is right for you. if it is then let no one stand in your way! blessed be