Anonymous asked this question on 5/2/2000:
Why are love spells considered against the Wiccan Rede and bad.
amethystrose gave this response on 5/2/2000:
It depends on the spell and the intent. Love spells are generally considered bad if it is done on a specific person. This is manipulation which can be very harmful and therefore against the wiccan rede.
Most love spells for this reason tend to bacfire in a very nasty way. Did you see the Craft? When she did a love spell it backfired. What happened there can actually happen in real life (BTW although they 'Holliwooded it up a bit' they consulted with a wiccan for the movie).
If you do a love spell to bring a particular TYPE of person into your life then it's not bad at all. So long as you aren't thinking of anyone specific but instead qualities you wish to find in a partner.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more please feel free to ask!
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