Anonymous asked this question on 4/22/2000:
I have been reading about your faith and enjoyed very much what Ive read. I'm a gay man living in the USA. What are your views on Homosexuality? Can I be A memeber of your faith with out changing? Thank you for any help.
pharoahmoan gave this response on 4/30/2000:
I am glad that you have enjoyed what you have read about our faith.
My best friend is homosexual and I am bisexual, and I am a strong member of my coven. Sexual preference has no influence on whether or not you are allowed to become a part of the religion.
We truly believe..."An that it harm none... do what ye will." Your sexuality is a choice. We all have choices and they don't always have to be a barrier from faith.
The average rating for this answer is 5.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
awesome, thanks