asked this question on 4/19/2000:
Okay this may be a stupid question but how does one know they are a witch? What are the signs and the feelings? I have secetly thought I had a special gift for a really long time. I have this feeling in me. I can't describe it but it gets really powerful sometimes. I really want to learn about wicca and find out if I do have a gift or if I am just crazy. Please try to get back to me. Thank you, Tiffany Hayes
herbwitch gave this response on 4/19/2000:
Hello tiffany
i believe evryone has a 'gift' this gift can come out in many ways. The way i knew i was Wiccan was that i was 'called' into the Earth by the Goddess she came to me in a dream so vivid i recall everything about it from the way she looked to the concepts she made me remember.
the basic tenet of Wicca are :
this means that as long as you harm no one INCLUDING yourself that you are free to do what ever you want
with this come the Law of three which is basic physics for the metaphysical which states that what ever you do good or bad will come back to you multiplied by three
Now adays there are more and more websites with a great deal of information these are the ones i like
now books are something every bweginner or interested person should read are
air, fire, water, earth by Scoot cunningham
wicca craft by Gerin Dunwich
True magick by Amber K
celtic Magic by DJ Conway
I hope this helps. Blessed be.
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