damara8@..., a user from dogpile.com, asked this question on 4/19/2000:
Im interested on getting information on Wicca. I want to be in a religion nature based. Ive done some reading, and im still confused on the differences between wiccan, pagan, etc. Also, when would it be ok to wear a pentagram? i have friends who wear them, and have given them to me, but i don't feel i have the right to wear it, not knowing much about it. i dont want to be disrespectful to people who actually have the right to wear one. coul you help me out? damara
Moondog gave this response on 4/19/2000:
The difference between Wicca and other pagan religions: A pagan religion is one that has more the one God. There are many: Shamanism The American Indians Druids And many more. Each one of these pagan religions has it own set of Gods and Goddess. Different rules or laws, and ways of prayer. Wicca is as you know a Pagan religion with a God and a Goddess.
Once you have decided that you are on the Wiccan path it is ok to wear the pentagram. I commend your respect. There are many levels of learning within the craft, and even though you are just starting out, the pentagram the symbol of your faith. One word of caution, you should be careful who sees it until you have enough education to be able to defend it. I gave my daughter that same advise. I did not wear mine where the public could see it until I was ready to explain what it meant and what Wicca was all about. Hope that I was able to help and that I answered your questions. If you have any more please feel free to ask them.
Merry part. (:K
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