gabby2600 asked this question on 4/16/2000:
Hi all in the Wicca Section.
Just a Quicky I'm myself come from the UK, and don' believe in faries, however I'm supprised as to hawmany Americans do. I'm wondering where dose this Belief come from, as in all of my studies on Wicca and Witchcraft, in the UK they don't mention faries. They do however Mention Changlings which have been attributed with faries.
To me what you see as a Farie, is a spirit in another form, which chooses to resemble a farie. However Traditional Faries are not small and cute with wings they are useualy not to nice and out to Hinder rather than help. As they are Natural Pranksters.
The cute fluffy Idea to me came from the Photographs of Lady cottingly, who Admited she had faked the pictures.
Ireland had Lepricorns, and Europe had Redcaps, and in Briton we had Changelings. None of them were plesant or nice, and all did pranks.
So as a fellow Member of the Wicca Section I would be interested on your views.
Blessed Be
Choalayna gave this response on 4/19/2000:
the Fey are known by different names all over the world. The most known are in fact that ones from Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Germany. Wicca has even formed a 'branch' of this called of course "Faery Wicca". I do think Americans tend to :romantize" the wee ones. And yes, i do agree they arent really what you want to tangle with if you dont know what you're doing.
In studies of the legends of the Little Folk, the most notorious were the loners. The solitary ones that liked to keep to themselves. The others, or the "troops" were supposedly much more friendly but still cant resist the urge to pull pranks and create a little mischief.
In each culture, there are different legends and stories, some may act and even look the same but are called by different names, or vice versa, the same name and completely opposite dispositions. In America tho', yes we tend to think of the Tinkerbell pixie when we think faery and not the trolls and grim little ornery ones that many are indeed!
Interesting subject tho'. We have a whole section about them at our site and some of the different names different countries call them.
I personally, and I state this in my site, believe them to be frustratingly grand little creatures each to their own.
Choalayna EnchanteD EncounterS
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gabby2600 rated this answer a 4.
I have found a book on the subject, apparently the little ones come from shakespeare, and in legend all fae are standard human side, and all are changlings, there are many varietys form all round the world.