Anonymous asked this question on 4/16/2000:
How do you get to Sixth degree?
Under the two system which are most popular there are only 3 degrees?
herbwitch gave this response on 4/16/2000:
hi Gabriel i was first initiated into a system of Seven in correspondences with the seven elements of Life animal mineral plant gas spiritual and chaotic. ive heard of the three levels system and am trying to learn more about it as a matter of fact ive just been accepted as a provisional member of a proto-grove if you have any Paths of trouth to suggest please tell me about them.
I hope this answers your question. Blessed Be. Slainte brother.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/17/2000:
cheers, do you have any links to this form as I do like to know about things. I'm wondering about it origins, and other things. You know the useual stuff.
On her you will find some info regarding the Book of shadows it is in the pagan section. under Gardnerian Book of Shadows, this is the Three Degree System. Which is based on Knowledge, Experience, and Skill. It requires a lot of study and practice. It can take 3 years to get to 3rd degree, but it is very hard. Most people spend years studying until they are really sure they are ready as they dont want to go in to the next degree, and not have the knowledge to cope. Thats Why I tend to laugh at any body who says they are 3rd Degree and under the age of 21, as you should never be inisiated before you are 18.
Anyway I can yatter for hours, if youcan find us some links to you method I would be interested.
herbwitch gave this response on 4/17/2000:
hi gabby
well the coven got together and look at all the current ways and found that so much of it had little to no educational system to we took from all sources from the norse the italians the rom the egyptians and the buddists. the result was an extensive course in which the highest levels are secretive and unspeakable to enyone lower than yourself in the Craft. I believe that true magick come from with out within and with knowledge
I hope this helps i dont believe we've ever had a website so ill ask nest tuesday and see.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/17/2000:
This sound most interesting. I know that some of what you teach cannot be told but you could do a very comprehensive site on this.
herbwitch gave this response on 4/17/2000:
as a coven we choose not to spout out to much information for fear of denouncers in the anti-pagan community. also because so much of our work depends on the concentration of energy and the attainment of levels is very hard that we choose not to accept any who are unanimously approved by the WHOLE coven we're talking 26 ppl. but ill ask for there input about a website or home page.
Ihope this helps. Blessed Be.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/17/2000:
You could do somthing giveing a brief overview, and saying write to this postoffice box, and send a chqeue for $x to cover costs. and we will send you further info. I know what it can be like, haveing hassle of people, but you could keep the URL secret and only let people who are genuinely interested have the address. As it would be nice to know about your religion as it sounds most interesting. Anyway I'll leave it up to you. this is just a sujestion after all.
herbwitch gave this response on 4/18/2000:
thank you so much for the suggestion. it sounds good to me but the others will all have to agree also.
Blessed be.
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