VintageMama asked this question on 3/8/2000:
I have been a practicing pagan for 5 years, but I have practiced alone, without coven. I am opening a shop, and I'll be carrying tarot cards, wiccan jewelery, and other items which will bring other witches into my shop. Here's my problem. I'm afraid I've been alone too long! I'm not sure I'll know how to protect myself from witches who intend harm, and invite friendships with white witches. This is a tough-y for me! I don't want to be so open, that I invite in the wrong kinds of energy, but I don't want to be so closed that I keep potential friends out!
gabby2600 gave this response on 4/16/2000:
I was just readin some of the other answers, some are good and some are diabolical.
You only need to do One ritual a year, and thats called spring cleaning, throw out any old rubbish, and clean the place from top to bottom, even redecorate that helps (Green is a good colour).
Only if there are Manevolent Spirits in the shop do you need to do a ritual, you need to make peace with them first, as they are you best defence, and if they don't like something like the layout change it. Some can be very fussy about changes. so be kind to any spirits in the area, and ask them before you do any major changes.
As long as the spirits, and you are in an environment you like and are happy in the I can see there will be no problems.
It also might be handy to find out local history, as there might have been an Old tribal settlement near by and if the spirits from there are happy with what you are doing then your sorted.
Blessed Be Gabriel