KirstyFarnfield asked this question on 4/16/2000:
do you consider witches in the UK to be heavily discriminated against - do you have to put up with a lot of prejudiced views from people who don't understand it as a religion of choice?
gabby2600 gave this response on 4/16/2000:
Yes I do both me and my partner find that under current government system we cannot be legally joined, however the ceromony for our religion, is valid, in the eyes of our gods.
There are many things we would like to change to take the discrimination away from our religion, like we would like our Holidays from work to reflect our religious day and not that of chritianity.
However open discrimination is very rare it dose happen, and I'm sure if we were to start preaching on the street we would be arrested, as the christians would complain.
Anoymous discrimination is the worst.
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