sfh822 asked this question on 4/13/2000:
I would like to know if anyone of you are worried that this particular interest is detrimental to whether or not you will go to heaven or hell,most people would say you are seeking spirit -ualism. Please respond a.s.a.p very interesting topic.
magick777 gave this response on 4/14/2000:
dear friend;
I am curious,so part of my answer is a ? for you;I have studied a lot of different religions,and I can't find this place every one calls "hell",and as far as I am concerned,I have felt the loving touch of the Gods and e'en now it flows thru me;if you will delve into and research christianity you will find that feeding the peoples fears gives the church power over them;we all go to the same place when we cross over and end this episode of human experience.read any of the works on near death experiences and look at the accounts that these special people give of the other side.Especially the ones that were devoutly religious before the nde. we create our own reality,and the true reality does not surface until you cross over.
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