julietv asked this question on 4/4/2000:
I have always wanted a familiar... none of the pets I've had seemed to connect with me.
Now I have a chocolate Burmese and he is a sweetie! His name is Timmy. I have had him for two months and I DO think we have a connection.
He sleeps with his chin on my neck or cheek and is very sensitive.
Now, how do I go about making him my familiar? And what does this entail for him? How would I use him while doing alter spells? (I really only do candle magick, so I'm not sure how a cat would be involved.)
Any information is very welcome!
Thanks! Emerald (Juliet)
LadyCatW gave this response on 4/10/2000:
First, let me apologize for not having responded to this for so long. I have been both ill, and preoccupied with Taxes...Ah, the wonders of living in America.
Second, in answer to your question. The finding and bonding to/with a familiar is based on quite a few things.
Given that you feel that you have a connection with him, this is a good start. You can't "make" him a familiar...he has to be willing to be one, and be willing to work with you as a partner. A familiar is not a "servant" or "slave" but a willing friend and magickal partner.
However, it also sounds like he is very young. Personally, if he's under a year old, I'm of the type of person that would want to encourage the "kittenhood". He, like any other being, deserves a good and loving childhood.
But, if he is truly meant to be your familiar, you can work with him on a few things while waiting for him to grow (if he's older than a year old, you should still start with some of these)
1) You have begun the bonding process, which is not only vital to any person with any kind of pet, but is even more vital to a person looking to develop a familiar relationship with that animal. You need to begin to try to encourage that bond to where there is a distinct communication (whether it be wordless feelings, mental "responses" or changes in body language) between the two of you. Basically, you are learning HIS language - and he is learning to reach out to you.
2) Let him get used to your magickal practice without him "involved" first. Trust me, this is very important. Being "dumped" into a job in a ritual setting is very uncomfortable for most pets - but especially for cats who are highly independant. If he shows signs of being highly interested in what you do, let him be around and "luxuriate" in the energy you are using. It will help acclimatize him to the feel.
3) Once you have set up a definite communication system between the two of you, and once he has gotten used to energy movement and flow, you can consider sending him some energy if he's ok with it. If he doesn't want it, do NOT force it on him. Many cats don't like energy being sent to them. If he lets you do that, see if he is willing to send some back to you. See if you can get an energy exchange going.
4) If he's not interested in energy exchange, that's ok...it doesn't mean he's not a familiar, just that that might not be his purpose. Some familiars are assistants in research (the cat who INSISTS on knocking something down...but which eventually shows up to be exactly what you are looking for); some are assistants in healing; some are guardians; and some are just more "monitors" (You know, the kind that points out "Hey...you're depressed, here...pet me. You'll feel better" Or HEY....you have spent TOO MUCH time on the computer...it's time for you to get off now!)
I hope that gives you some ideas to work with.
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julietv rated this answer a 5.
He's two years old, so we'll work on it!