Anonymous asked this question on 3/27/2000:
I am Wicca myself. But I would like to hear opinions and experiences of that damnable area of gray we have in the Harm None... Suppose, you know someone whom you care for or know is on a one way ride down the road of destruction but refuses any help from you and has stated explicitely, no permission?
Moondog gave this response on 3/27/2000:
I don't myself see a gray area. To me it is as simple as Harm None. I understand wanting to help someone and them not want that help it has happened to me. The best thing that I can suggest, is to tell this person (if they have a faith) to seek out help from someone of there faith to give them some help with their problems. Sometimes this isn't much help. You should never interfere with out their conceit, even if it makes you feel helpless.
Merry part. (:K
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