rebate asked this question on 3/18/2000:
Is there a country or nation or even a city that has been established on the principals of Wicca?
pharoahmoan gave this response on 3/20/2000:
Pretty much, any of the Ancient cultures had traits similar to that of Wicca. Some of these cultures are those of the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Celts, Egyptian, Sumerian, etc.
These all had the ritual, the myth, the numerous deities, the spells, the oracles, etc.
I did however, find information regarding a society that did strike a nerve simply because of the name. Below is the information, it may strike a cord with you as well.
From the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia:
Pagan, a village on the Irrawaddy River in central Burma, was once a great walled city of old Burma. Founded in ¥ 849, it flourished until overrun (1287) by the Mongols. King Anawratha (r. 1044-77) made Pagan his capital, summoning foreign artisans from eastern India and from the Mon kingdom of southern Burma to build and decorate Buddhist shrines and royal palaces there. Many still stand, making Pagan the largest surviving complex of the medieval brick and stucco buildings that once flourished throughout Southeast Asia. The main architectural types are tall, bell-domed stupas; square shrines with terraced roofs and curvilinear towersÑthe great Ananda Temple (1091) is still in use; smaller enclosed shrines for spirits (Nats); and halls and libraries with sloping or terraced roofs often adorned with flamboyant ornament. Wall paintings and terra-cotta reliefs, some glazed, representing Buddhist subjects in a schematic style, are found in a number of Pagan's monuments.
I hope this has been of some help!
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