VintageMama asked this question on 3/8/2000:
I have been a practicing pagan for 5 years, but I have practiced alone, without coven. I am opening a shop, and I'll be carrying tarot cards, wiccan jewelery, and other items which will bring other witches into my shop. Here's my problem. I'm afraid I've been alone too long! I'm not sure I'll know how to protect myself from witches who intend harm, and invite friendships with white witches. This is a tough-y for me! I don't want to be so open, that I invite in the wrong kinds of energy, but I don't want to be so closed that I keep potential friends out!
TripleGoddess gave this response on 3/13/2000:
Merry Meet and Congratulations!!! I suggest two things, first cleanse and dedicate your store. Second, place rose quartz all about the space. As a little extra, hang a broom over the door and ask the Goddess to protect and bless all who pass thru the doorway into the store. Make it a point to trust your instincts....only you know how certain people make you feel. If they give you the feeling of uneasiness, trust the feeling and remove yourself from their presence.
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