VintageMama asked this question on 3/8/2000:
I have been a practicing pagan for 5 years, but I have practiced alone, without coven. I am opening a shop, and I'll be carrying tarot cards, wiccan jewelery, and other items which will bring other witches into my shop. Here's my problem. I'm afraid I've been alone too long! I'm not sure I'll know how to protect myself from witches who intend harm, and invite friendships with white witches. This is a tough-y for me! I don't want to be so open, that I invite in the wrong kinds of energy, but I don't want to be so closed that I keep potential friends out!
pharoahmoan gave this response on 3/9/2000:
Brightest Blessings!
I must first start off by saying, of course, do protection and prosperity spells frequently to ensure a lot of positive energy. I am sure you know this and have already heard it from other sources.
What I recommend that a lot of people do not think about, is consecrate an altar in your store. "Live the Magick!"
I have some friends that have been running a Metaphysical store for quite a few years. As long as the candles were burning on their altar, the energy flow was amazing! However, as soon as the altar went cold, so did the energy. Keep the altar fresh and new and the energy will reflect that.
I know that you have a power of sensing the energy of people, and you could always remember the old saying, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!"
I hope this has been of help! Brightest Blessings to you and yours...
pharoahmoan gave this follow-up answer on 3/11/2000:
I'm glad this has been of some help to you!
The average rating for this answer is 4.7.
VintageMama rated this answer a 5.
Pharoahmoan, thank you so much! I never even thought to put an alter in the shop! (It seems so OBVIOUS now that you've said it!) Thank you!