Anonymous asked this question on 2/19/2000:
How do i "charge" stones?? how do you use the pentacle?? i heard the pentacle is used to "charge" things but if so, how?? please help im confused.
Moondog gave this response on 2/21/2000:
I like to use stones for their individual properties. I have different stones for different tasks. I have a simple approach that works for me. To each his own. I suggest you always find what works best for you. I first wash my stones before I start. I put them in water from a natural source such as lake water, or water from a stream, let them set for 24 hours. Dry them with a natural cloth, like cotton. I then charge them in my hands with there task, then I lay my alter tile (pentacle) down in the center of my alter, and place the stone(s) in the center of my alter tile. Let that sit for 24 hours, or longer if you have time, to increase their power. Sometimes I burn a candle of the associated color, to enhance their working. I hope this helps you. I hope I was clear enough.
Merry part. (:K
PS: You can change the vibration of a stone .Find 13 like stones, with the vibration you desire, place them in a circle, and place the stone, or any object in the center for 24 hours.
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Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
thanks alot, you were helpful!