Anonymous asked this question on 2/19/2000:
How do i "charge" stones?? how do you use the pentacle?? i heard the pentacle is used to "charge" things but if so, how?? please help im confused.
Gwenivere gave this response on 2/20/2000:
I wasn't sure how to charge stones either since my BOS is hiding from me, So I went searching for some info for you. And I found it! the website address is:
It tells you how to choose, charge AND program your stone! About the pentacle, you dont NEED to use the pentacle to charge something, but a lot of Witches do. I usually do. This is how I would charge an athame using the pentacle: Make sure you have a bow of salt, bow of water, myyrh/frankincense incense, white candle, pentacle on your altar.
Cast a circle around the altar.
Pass the athame through the incense and say: "By the powers of air, I consecrate thee."
Pass it through the candle flame and say: "By the powers of fire, I consecrate thee."
Dip it in the water and say: "By the powers of water, I consecrate thee."
Dip it in the salt and say: "By the powers of Earth, I consecrate thee."
TOuch it to the pentacle and then point it to the sky and say: "By the powers of the God and GOddess, I consecrate thee!"
Then set it on the altar and say: "So mote it be!"
Close your circle.
I hope this has helped you!! *~*~ Gwenivere ~*~*
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