KomputerKid asked this question on 2/8/2000:
I don't mean to insult you or anything. I do believe that we all have the right to choose what we each believe. You don't believe in God, because He is invisible? Do you not believe in Him because you can't tounch, or feel Him. That's totally not a reason to not believe. If God shows Himself, so everyone can see Him, you know the majority of the population would believe in Him then. He doesn't want that, He wants us to decide on Faith, not by sight. Jesus/God has showed Himself to me in many ways. He has given His word to everyone. It's called the Bible, but you decide if you want to hear His word. God created us, He created everything. If we evolved from monkeys, why did we stop evolving. Would not we still be slowly changing into some other being. I belive that it is WAY easier to believe that God created everything. I know that His word is true. If you read the bible, which you may have, you will know that everything that has been spoken has come to pass. A thousand years before Jesus was born, it was written that He would be born. I know God is real, I have prayed to Him and recieved what I ask for. Not because I'm any more important to Him than anyone else, but I had faith in Him to answer my prayer. He wants you to decide by faith, to follow Him. I mean, don't you think He knows that if He appears in front of you, that you will believe. He doesn't want that. I have never seen Him phisically, but yes, I have felt Him on more than one occassion. I'm not trying to judge you, nor change your mind, I'm just stating facts that I know to be true from experience. But I say: Wanna hear God? Read the bible! Wanna see God? Have faith! Wanna feel God? Praise His name! Want help from God? Pray to Him and have trust in Him You may not believe, because you have prayed before, or because you thought you trusted Him enough, but If it works for me it can work for you. Also, we "want" things to benefit us, but the bible says, everything we do should be for Jesus sake. We need to pray for things "to benefit Christ". Now my question...
How can you deny the truth, how can you deny God based on science and sight and not on faith. HOW CAN YOU DENY WHAT IS SO CLEARLY TRUE?
minerva gave this response on 2/8/2000:
Pagans do believe in God. A God that makes himself known by many names: Osiris, Jupiter, Zeus, Yahweh, Odin, Lugh, Indra... And even though most hold the concept of a God and a Goddess (Isis, Juno, Hera, Ashera, Freya, Radha...), the God and the Goddess are still part of the One--a Force that supports and surrounds All.
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