DUNGEONS & DRAGONS A very concerned ex-player, Darren Motitor {signed}

#107  Dungeons & Dragons brochure.  This item is free of  charge.  
It  is a personal testimony of a young man sentenced to  life  in 
prison for the murder of a friend with whom he played Dungeons  & 
Dragons.   He  tells  how to play the game and  reasons  why  you 
should not play the game.

A very concerned ex-player,
Darren Motitor {signed}

I'm sure many, if not all, of you have heard about or played  the 
very popular game of "Dungeons & Dragons".  Now I'm not  speaking 
of  the  board game, of which there is one, I'm speaking  of  the 
game that is played in your mind.

To give some background of the game for those of you that haven't 
had the so-called priviledge of experiencing the let me tell  you 
about it.

The game is called "Dungeons & Dragons" and it is a fantasy role-
playing  game.  As you can probably assume from the title  it  is 
set in the medieval era of our time or history.  Because it is  a 
game  of "fantasy" anything is pobbiBle {sic} and being a  "role-
playing" game means you act as a character of that time as if you 
were on stage.  But there is  no physical action on the  player's 
part.  Everything is played or imagined in the mind.  And you, as 
a player, are the sole person responsible for the actions of your 
character or characters.  You control him totally, His/her  {sic} 
actions,   words  feelings,  thoughts.   Everything  about   this 
character you control.

To obtain a "character", a player must first roll three six-sided 
dice.   Add  up the numbers rolled and write it down.   A  player 
does this six times and then he must organize the numbers he  has 
rolled to the six characteristics of his character.  After  which 
the player may roll to obtain the height and weight or he/she may 
choose  it.  The si characteristics are  strength,  intelligence, 
wisdom,   constitution,  dexterity  and  charisma.    These   six 
characteristics  are the "heart" of your character.   The  player 
assigns  a  race  to the character, a  class,  which  is  his/her 
occupation  and the alignment.  An alignment is  the  character's 
attitude or outlook on life.  The different classes are many  and 
each class has a sub-class.  They are the following:

Cleric,   (druid);   fighter,   (paladin,   ranger)   magic-user, 
(illusionist);  thief  (assassin); monk and bard.  the  different 
alignments  are  :   lawful good, lawful  neutral,  lawful  evil, 
neutral, chaotic good, chaotic neutral and chaotic evil.  Now the 
player  rolls  a  particular die or dice, of which  are  many  to 
obtain a character's hit points.  The "hit points" are the amount 
of stamina or damage the character can sustain before going  into 
a  coma or even dying.  You then give him/her money,  by  rolling 
the  dice,  and equipping him with supplies, weapons  and  armor.  
From here there is only two more steps.  The first is to roll and 
obtain  the  spells a character has if/she is able to  use  them.  
Some  classes  use spells and others don't.  The final  stage  is 
picking a name for your new-born character.  He/she is now a true 
and real person in the player's mind.

There  is  also  a player called the dungeon master  or  DM,  for 
short.   This player is usually more familiar and experienced  in 
the game.  The DM plays a very important part of the game.   Also 
a very powerful part.  He/she plays the sole role of "god" of the 
game.   The DM controls everything that happens within the  game.  
The  only  part of the game he does not control entirely  is  the 
actions  of  your character.  But he/she may  constrict  then  if 
he/she  chooses.   He/she  is also in control  of  that  player's 
character's life.  The DM may decide to destroy the character for 
some reason, but it should not be for any personal reason and the 
DM  should refrain form doing such actions unless the  player  of 
that character has become uncontrollable and has changed the  fun 
of the game.

The  DM  has a lot of responsibility, as you  can  imagine.   For 
example,  the DM must create an adventure or dungeon.  There  are 
many  books called modules with "dungeons" already prepared,  but 
for  the most part the DM creates them  hinself/herself.   He/she 
must  create  the  scenery  (indoor,  outdoor,  underground,  the 
various  and  numberable characters a player may  encounter,  the 
temperature,  the smell, the monsters and the treasure.  It is  a 
very  long  and  tedious process and the  average  dungeon  takes 
anywhere from 36-48 hours of work.  There is one case of the game 
being  followed,  that the DM a lady, has quit her job  and  does 
nothing except create and prepare a dungeon for her players.  She 
has created an entire country.  The players of the group  support 
her  living necessities.  They pay for her home,  her  groceries, 
her bills, etc.

The game is played with two or more people with the average group 
consisting  of 5, including the DM.  The DM, as I have  explained 
runs  the show.  He/she will describe, in detail what  is  around 
you.  What action is taking place, what sounds you may hear, what 
smells  you may notice, etc., etc.  From here it is the  player's 
option  of  what  to do.  The player  must  decide  what  his/her 
character  is going to do.  In response the DM tells the  players 
of the result of their actions.  As I've said before, a character 
may  do  anything;  I emphasize anything,  that  a  player  wants 
him/her  to do.  For example; the DM has just told you  that  you 
have  come up a cave entrance It is midday, warm, you  hear  what 
appears as water running from inside, but you can't see anything.  
The  players now decide if they wish to enter the cave,  throw  a 
stone  in to try and locate water, yell something in to  try  and 
get a response or just ignore it completely.

Another example is; you are in a room or chamber underground that 
you have discovered.  There is a table, some chairs, a desk  with 
numerous jars on it.  There is a lot of dust covering everything.  
And in the corner a chest sits.  As a player your first  instinct 
is  to search the chest for some treasure.  During the proces  of 
checking for any traps and trying to unlock it a few orcs (a type 
of  human-like monster, resembling a pig) sneak up  from  behind.  
They are very angry and have their weapons drawn and are about to 
attack.  What do you do now?  If you are a spell user you attempt 
to  cast  a spell.  You may try and bargain with them.   Or,  and 
most  likely,  you  may fight them.  You  draw  your  weapon  and 
charge.  Now the dice come in.  The DM rolls a six-sider for  the 
orcs and you roll a six-sider.  This is for the initiative.   You 
win  initiative.  You roll a 20 sided die and attempt to hit  the 
orc.   What you are doing is swinging your sword or  hammer,  etc 
and  the die roll will tell you if you hit the orc.  If  you  hit 
you  roll  another die which could be  a  four-sided,  six-sided, 
eight-sided, ten-sided, or twelve-sided, depending on the  weapon 
and  the result is the amount of damage to the orc.  Now the  orc 
or  orcs  swing.  The same process is used.  And  this  continues 
until you or they are dead.

Remember  now,  all  of this is imagined in the  mind.   You  can 
actually see this.  What they look like, how you're swinging, the 
damage given and obtained.  It all appears in the mind.

The  reason for explaining so much is so you may  understand  how 
the  game  is  played.   It may seem  to  be  harmless  and  very 
entertaining  and it is entertaining, but far from  harmless.   I 
have had the experience of the game for more than 3 years now and 
I  know the effects of the game.  For the majority of those  that 
play it becomes a way to escape reality.  It is a way of  letting 
tension  and anxieties loose.  And that is good.  But  subjecting 
the  mind to the amounts of violence involved isn't.  It  is  far 
more bad than it is good.  Especially to a young mind.  And an 18 
or  20  year old still has a young mind.  Its  effects  are  both 
mental  and physical.  It is in comparison to drugs,  alcohol  or 
tobacco.   It is very possessive, addictive and evil.   Evil  may 
sound wrong or peculiar to explain a game, but there is no  other 
way to describe it.  It is a device of Satan to lure us away from 
God.  It is occult.

An  occult  you  say?  What is an occult?   Defined  in  American 
Family and School Dictionary, a publication based on the American 
College  Dictionary,  prepared  by Random  House,  Inc.,  it  is:  
beyond  the  bounds  of  ordinary  knowledge;  secret.   And   in 
Webster's  Dictionary  it  defines it  as:   secret;  mysterious, 
magical;  supernatural;  mystical.  Staying on the  same  subject 
let's   define   occultism:   the  docrine  or   study   of   the 
supernatural, magical imaginary, etc.  Stated concisely it is the 
participation  or  involvement in anyway  with  fortune  telling, 
magic   practices,  spiritism,  or  false  religious  cults   and 
teachings.   Within  that category is using a ouija  board,  ESP, 
telepathy,  horoscope, a seance, yog {sic}, remote  influence  of 
the   subconscious  mind  of  others,  self-hypnosis,   following 
astrology and Dungeons & Dragons.  They are all connected with an 
occult  or  are  considered occultism  pratic  {sic}.   All  such 
occults  are  condemned  by  God  in  the  Scriptures,  being  an 
abomination unto Him and are under His curse.  To quote a passage 
from  an  article written by Dr. Hobart E. Freeman  I  write  the 

"The  Scriptures condemn all forms of occultism as  scorcery  and 
warn  that . . .they which do such things shall not  inherit  the 
kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:19-20), but ". . .are an abomination unto 
the  Lord" (Deut. 18:12), and ". . .shall have their part in  the 
lake which burneth with fire and brimstone" (Rev. 21:8).

From earliest times God forbade occultism as spiritually defiling 
(Le.  19:31),  and made participation in it punishable  by  death 
(Ex. 22:18); Lev. 20:27), and cause for rejection of that soul by 
god {sic}(Lev. 20:6).

Dungeons & Dragons is based on magic and the supernatural.  There 
is,  in fact a hard bound book entitled "Deities & Demigods"  for 
the sole purpose of informing you of the "gods" that are involved 
in  the  game.  It gives complete details of the  "gods"  and  it 
expects  you  as a player character to pick a  "god"  to  worship 
him/her.   To pray to, to sacrifice, to, to {sic} obey.   And  to 
die for if necessary.

Not  only  is  the game based on magic and  the  supernatural  it 
involves  violence.  Serious violence!  The type of violence  not 
allowed  on TV.  There is hack and slash murder, rape,  theivery, 
pillaging  and  terrorism.   And in the game it  is  natural  and 
expected  for a character to do those things.  A character  must, 
at  elast {sic}, murder and rob in order to survive.  And  it  is 
the  object of the game to survive.  To do whatever you must,  to 
anybody or anything, in order to survive and become more powerful 
and  wealthy.  The more you do those things the longer you  live.  
The longer you live the more powerful you become and usually with 
power comes wealth.

You  may be saying, "all of that may be true, but what does  that 
have  to  do with me (or my children)?  It has everything  to  do 
with you (or your children) if you (or they) are involved in  the 
game.  AS {sic} I have repeated several times the game is  played 
or imagined entirely in the mind.  Totally and only in the  mind.  
The  conscious  mind experiences these visions as  reality  while 
playing.   And if it is played let's say, 3-5 times a  week,  4-8 
hous  each  time, the conscious mind becomes accustomed  to  such 
acts  of violence.  Then when the person is finished playing  for 
that day, it is all pushed back to the sub-conscious  supposedly.  
But it is known that the mind is very powerful and unexplainable.  
It  is very possible for the sub-conscious mind to overpower  the 
concious  mind.  Suddenly you are no longer in total  control  of 
your  mind.   The "fantasy game" becomes a "reality  game".   You 
begin  to live it for real.  Everything you do, or say,  involves 
or  associates to the game itself.  You no longer play  the  game 
for  enjoyment, you must have it (play it) just like a person  on 
drugs,  alcohol  or  tabacco  {sic} must have  them.   It  is  an 
addiction.  And you {sic} mind is udner {sic} the control of  the 
game.  It is possessed by the game.

Now,  you're  probably  saying that won't happen  to  me  (or  my 
children) because I won't let it happen or I'm too smart for that 
to  happen.  Believe me, it happens!  And it happens  to  anyone.  
It  has happended to many younger teenagers, 13 and 14.   The  It 
{sic}  has  happened  to me.  It has  happened  to  many  college 
students  that have committed suicide or have done  some  serious 
bodily  harm  to themselves and others.  The destruction  it  can 
cause  to  the mind and sould {sic} is incredible.   It's  rather 
unexplainable.   I  an {sic} many others have had some  very  bad 
experiences  because of the game and I am writing too,  on  their 
behalf  to warn or make you aware of the game.  It  is  dangerous 
and against God's command.

There are as I've said numerous recorded accounts of teenager  13 
to  19  and  some older persons that have  had  some  troublesome 
experiences.   Many  have  committed suicide  due  to  the  game.  
ANother  {sic}  good  many have either  caused  serious  harm  to 
themselves or toher {sic} individuals.  And some have caused  the 
death  of a friend or family member by accident, but  because  of 
the "game", they took the "game" one step too far.  "Playing"  it 
for real one time too many.  For some it was the alst {sic}  time 
they  played it or any other game.  Many were lucky, but you  may 
not be.

So,  please for your own safetty and salvation and the safety  of 
others  don't play the game anymore.  It is more dangerous tha  I 
can fully explain.  Don't play with you {sic} physical life  that 
way  and don't condemn you soul to hell by participating  in  the 

A very concerned ex-player
Darren Motitor {signed}