AN OPEN LETTER TO THE

   "An ye harm none ...  do what ye will."  This Wiccan Rede, a  salient creed
among the witchcraft and magickal community,  has been expressed in the hearts
of many druids, magickal people, neo-pagans, pagans, wiccans and witches.   It
has  also  been  expressed by the followers of the Goddess:   Artemis,   Bast,
Brigit,  Diana, Hecate, Isis, Lilith, Rhiannon and the Male God: Odin,  Ammon-
Ra, Baphomet, Cernunnos, Pan, Osiris, Apollo and Lucifer.

   Witchcraft  (Wicca)   has been identified as "the Craft of the Wise,  as  a
fissiparous  Earth  religion characterized by an  animistic  and  polytheistic
worship  of  nature  often with an androgynous pantheism.   It is  a  theology
lacking  in a theodicy,  a  prophetic faith without prophets,  and a  religion
lacking in bureaucratic rationality; possessing instead magical rituals to re-
enchant the social world."[1]

   When  the average person thinks of non-legerdemain magic(k),  a  mysterious
metaphysical  dimension normally parallels that person's thoughts.    Marcello
Truzzi,   Professor of Sociology at Eastern Michigan State and an authority on
witchcraft, examined the ontological character of magick. "For some witchcraft
practitioners,  especially  the  more orthodox ones,   magic is  viewed  as  a
supernatural  phenomenon.    The character of magic is such that  it  involves
special spiritual agencies (e.g. elementals,  demons,  etc.) which are outside
the  natural physical order available for study by empirical science.    Thus,
for  some  witches,   magical  laws are not natural laws  and  they  can  even
contradict natural laws.  Supernatural agencies and mechanisms are invoked and
these  are  beyond  scientific explanation.   Most  newer  witchcraft  groups,
however,  avoid supernaturalism and perfer instead to speak of supernormal  or
paranormal events."[2]

   Some witches knowingly even catagorize supernatural powers, which they call
upon (invocation or "drawing down the moon")  as just a mere extension of  the
latent powers of the soul in man.

   Gerald  Gardner's  (1884-1964)   name is still  echoed  in  the  witchcraft
spiritual Hall of Fame.  Gardner, a pioneer in modern and eclectic witchcraft,
was an avid follower  of the Great Mother Goddess and the Horned God.   He was
influenced  by Annie Besant's daughter and Aleister Crowley,   the  well-known
ceremonial  magician.    According  to  Doreen  Valiente,   who  knew  Gardner
personally,  "Gerald Gardner got to know Aleister Crowley when the latter  was
living at Hastings,  a year before Crowley died.   He was taken to see Crowley
by  a  friend,   and visited him on a number of occasions  thereafter,   until
Crowley's  death in 1947.   Crowley took a liking to G.B.G.  [Gardner],  as  a
fellow-student of magic,  and made him an honorary member of Crowley's magical
order,  the Ordo Templi Orientis.  G.B.G.  admired Crowley as a poet,  and was
fond  of using quotations from Crowley's works in his rites."[3]  Gardner died
at sea from heart failure in 1964.

   Professor Truzzi says,  "Yet there is much evidence suggesting that Gardner
concocted most of his rituals and legends from his own fertile imagination and
that he promoted witchcraft for economic and sexual reasons ...  Since so many
witches are the result of the diffusion of Gardner's exportations,  any  coven
whose  origins  cannot  be traced prior to 1950  should be highly  suspect  in
regard to its claims of earlier, traditional roots."[4]

   One  of the more modern and prominent witchcraft groups in America today is
the "Church of Circle Wicca."   According to Margot Adler, a  witch and author
of  "Drawing  Down the Moon,"  who is also the granddaughter of  the  renowned
psychiatrist Alfred Adler,  Circle Wicca "is now that group with their  finger
on   the  pulse  of  The  Craft  scene."[5]   The  Church  of  Circle   Wicca,
(incorporated with the State of Wisconsin,  #C-15878)  has a 200-acre  "nature
sanctuary"  near Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin.  Selena Fox, a psychotherapist, and Jim
Alan,   who are on the Board of Directors,  have been directing the witchcraft
community   with  its  monotheistic,   polytheistic  and  animistic  viewpoint
sprinkled  with  Theosophy,   C.G.  Jung psychology and  Jane  Roberts'   Seth

   "Circle Wicca is one form of the many expressions of Wicca,  whose roots go
back  to  the shamanism and Pagan religions of  pre-Christian  Europe."[6]   A
common denominator between Shamanism and Pagan religions is the trance state.

   The  most  influential  witchcraft  publication  within  the  present   day
witchcraft and magickal community in America is the Circle Network News  (CNN)
of  Circle  Wicca.   In the Fall 83  issue,   trance working is  discussed  in
connection with communicating with the departed.   "This type of tranceworking
should  only  be  practiced  after  long  and  intensive  training  between  a
priest/ess and student.  It is not a state to enter into lightly or when alone
...  for the spirit to be contacted actually enters the Wytch's body, using it
to deliver a verbal message."[7]

   Experientially  related to the above is Mirror Magic,  another popular form
of tranceworking.  In an article by Selena Fox, she says, "You may wish to get
glimpses of and guidance from one or more of your past life selves and/or your
Spirit  guides and teachers ...  If you have been extensively trained and  are
experienced  in  mediumship,  you may use this tranceworking  to  contact  the
Spirits of departed friends and relatives.   If you have not had such training
and experience, do not attempt this without a knowledgeable teacher present to
guide you."[8]

   Idolatry  and  Polytheism are an integrated part of witchcraft.    Idolatry
(Greek:  Eidololatreia) comes in many forms; e.g.:  Necrolatry (worship of the
dead),   Dentrology  (worship  of trees),   Litholotry  (worship  of  stones),
Pyrolatry (worship of fire), Zoolatry (worship of animals) and Selfolatry.

   Polytheism opens up Pandora's box of new theologies, new philosophies,  new
cosmic theories, new gods, and new idols.  Professor Leslie Carlson succinctly
shows what polytheism leads to.   "Originally, religion was monotheistic,  but
became debased through idolatrous worship, and the true God and his attributes
came to be represented by idols, cult objects, and fetishes.   Because God was
unseen  and transcendent,  men set up idols as a materialistic  expression  of
him.    Soon the created thing was worshipped as a god instead of the Creator.
Thus,   each  nation  had its chief god and as many more  as  they  felt  were
necessary.  Not only were idols used,  but also various forms of nature as the
heavenly bodies,  mountains,  seas,  rivers,  insects,  birds and animals."[9]
Egyptian  witchcraft  and Shamanism reflect the above which is also a part  of
the Church of Circle Wicca's philosophical systems.

   Is there a myriad of gods and goddesses from the Old World now entering the
West  in order to cosmically fill-in the heart-felt void found in  the  Wiccan
and magickal community?   A spiritual collection of such entities is reflected
in Circle Wicca's publication,  Circle Network News,  in their "Invocation and
Incantation"  section.  Examples of these so-called deities are Pan,  Siva and
Hecate[10];  Marduk,  Poseidon,  Hestia,  Ceres,  Athene,  Cerridwen,  Aradia,
Hephaestus,   Diana and Selene[11];  Isis,  Ashtoreth and Astarte[12];   Danu,
Arianrhod,  Anubis and Cernunnos[13]; Adonis, Apollo, Dionysus,  Hades,  Venus
and Pegasus[14]; and Nuit, Osirus and Eros[15].

   The  herstory book of the Goddess rests on a distant island with the  pages
being  blown  by a strong conjectural wind,  within an  optative  environment.
According to Merlin Stone,  "The Upper Paleolithic period,  though most of its
sites have been found in Europe,  is the conjectural [inference from defective
or  presumptive  evidence,  a   conclusion deduced by  surmise  or  guesswork]
foundation of the religion of the Goddess as it emerged in the later Neolithic
Age of the Near East.   Since it precedes the time of written records and does
not directly lead into an historical period that might have helped to  explain
it,   the information on the Paleolithic existence of Goddess worship must  at
this time remain speculative."[16]

   In  other  words,   the foundational time period of  the  Goddess  religion
supposedly  dates back to the Stone Age.   The information obtained from  that
time period,  which is carried over to the present day, has a very conjectural
thought base which precedes written records.  These conjectures spawn a myriad
of ipse didixits (assertions made but not proved).

   Among  the Wiccan Feminist community,   the Goddess Lilith stands out.   Is
there something historical, not commonly known, about Her that can be found in
old  books  under  some  Wiccan ritual tables?    The  late  Gustav  Davidson,
bibliographer  at the Library of Congress and past Secretary Emeritus  of  the
Poetry Society of America,  says "Lilith is a female demon,  enemy of infants,
bride of the evil angel Sammael (Satan)."   He also states, "Lilith is in fact
drawn  from the lili,  female demonic spirits in Mesopotamian demonology,  and
known as ardat lili."[17]

   Who is the Goddess'  consort?   The Horned God,  Pan.   According to Robert
Graves,   former  Professor of English literature at Cairo University,   Pan's
etymology "is usually derived from paein, 'to pasture', stands for the 'devil'
or 'upright man',  of the Arcadian fertility cult, which closely resembled the
witch  cult  of  North-western Europe."[18]  Pan falls under the  catagory  of
nature-demon in Larousse's World Mythology.

   At Aleister Crowley's funeral,  the "Hymn to Pan"  was recited.   Pan had a
way of placing a magickal spell over Crowley's life.  Crowley,  who claimed to
be  the  Devil's chief emissary on earth,  attempted to "Raise Pan"  during  a
ceremonial  magick ritual.    "Crowley had raised Pan all night.   MacAleister
[son  of Aleister] was dead and Crowley,  stripped of his magician's robes,  a
naked gibbering idiot crouching in the corner.  Before he [Crowley] was fit to
go about again,  he spent four months in a lunatic asylum."[19]  The author of
this quote knew Aleister Crowley personally.

   Baal,   consort  of  the Goddess Ashtoreth and a male God who  the  ancient
Druids  worshipped,  has been inked in the National Geographic magazine  pages
(August 1974,  pages 166-167).   "On a moonlit night,  ancient writers say,  a
priest placed a child,  mercifully killed moments earlier, on the outstretched
amrs of a statue of Baal."

   Magick  is an important "magical"  ingredient within witchcraft.   Starhawk
defines magick as "the art of sensing and shaping the subtle, unseen forces of
the world, of awakening deeper levels of consciousness beyond the rational, is
an element common to all traditions of Witchcraft.   Craft rituals are magical
rites:  They stimulate an awareness of the hidden side of reality,  and awaken
long-forgotten powers of the human mind."[20]

   What are these "long-forgotten powers of the human mind"?   Is it  possible
that there is another power playing upon the Wiccan and magicians'  mind which
is  not  an extension of the human mind?   Is it possible that  these  "unseen
forces  that  flow  through the world"  are seeking to control the  world  and
everyone therein?

   A medical,  historical, anthropological symposium[21] was held in 1975 at a
large major university discussing the area of the "spirit world" and what lies
within.   Doctors,  psychiatrists, scientists,  historians,  theologians,  and
college professors took into serious consideration how cultures from all  over
the  world have been and are affected and infected by these  normally  "unseen
forces" in the world.

   The  reality of these unseen forces is succinctly summarized in two  books.
The first one is "Everyday Witchcraft".  "Various malign influences are always
loose in the atmosphere.   No matter what you do - or don't do - one day these
forces  may decide to focus on you or your family.   However,  when you  start
practicing witchcraft, the chances of drawing the attention of these mischief-
makers increases greatly."[22]

   The second book is the Bible.   In Ephesians chapter 6, it states, "For our
struggle is not against flesh and blood,  but against the rulers,  against the
powers,  against  the world forces of this darkness,   against  the  spiritual
forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."   These spiritual forces are the
force behind The Force (Star Wars).

   Who  are "Elementals"?   Who are these "familiars"?   Who are these "spirit
guides"?   Who are these "guardians and watchtowers"?   Who are these "spirits
of  the dead"?   And who are these "gods and goddesses"?   What powers do they

   One  common  denominator  that they all possess  is  thought  transference.
Through thought transference, the counterfeit spirit dimension is able to pass
on auditory and non-auditory information.  Telepathy is a form of magic,  (see
T.C.  Lethbridge, "Witches", p.  14)  and also a cosmic ingredient used within
the  magic circle.   "At this point the guardian will also telepathically tell
the young Wytch their name,  'I am _____.'  This is the guardian's secret name
that  only  the  young  Wytch will know and use."[23]   Between  the  guardian
(familiar spirit) and the Wytch there is a cognitive experience demon-strated,
but  does the Wytch truly "know"  what the genesis is of this familar  spirit?
This alterered state which the witch goes through can be addicting with a very
subtle long-term danger.  See footnote #21.

   Tom  Sanguinet,  a  former ordained High Priest in the Celtic tradition  of
Wicca, took to heart the need for "peace with God."  Tom was written up in the
New  York  Times;   appeared on "World of People"  (syndicated TV  show);  was
involved in the 1980  "Samain Seminar"  in Texas[24];  personally knew  Selena
Fox, Lady Sintana of Ravenswood Church, Gavin Frost (Tom was Gavin's partner),
Loy and Louise Stone and many others in the Wiccan and magickal community.

   Tom had many "familiar spirits".  Looking back now, he came to realize that
these familiar spirits were not of the true God,  but that they were deceiving
spirits  from  Satan.    The Bible says that there are  seducing  spirits  and
teachings obtained from demons.   Tom did believe in God,  but didn't want  go
through  with  the "Lord of Darkness and the Goddess".   He wanted to  have  a
"personal"   relationship  with God.   Religion has been identified  as  man's
search for God and Christianity as God's search for a sincere person.    After
32  Wiccan years Tom left the "Old Religion" and invited Jesus Christ into his
heart as his personal Lord and Savior.

   "Deterioration is never sudden.  No garden 'suddenly' overgrows with thorns
... No person 'suddenly' becomes base.  Slowly, almost imperceptibly,  certain
things  are accepted that once were rejected.   Things once considered hurtful
are now secretly tolerated.   At the outset it appears harmless,  perhaps even
exciting,   but the wedge it brings leaves a gap that grows wider and wider as
moral  erosion  joins hands with spiritual decay.   The gap becomes a  canyon.
That 'way which seems right'  becomes, in fact,  'the way of death'.   Solomon
wrote that.  He ought to know."[25]

   Rationalization  is  very subtle at times.    Evil is first  abhored,  then
ignored,  then tolerated,   then participated with in a very compromising  and
sometimes  socially  accepted  means.   What was once considered evil  is  now
considered good and what was once considered good is now evil.   Also the mind
cannot accept what the heart rejects.

   Every evil system carries its own seed of destruction.  Time merely matures
its  process.    The  seed of destruction is invisible because Satan  has  the
ability to blind the minds of the unbelieving.

   Tom left (repentence)  the world of idolatry,  magick, monism,  polytheism,
reincarnation (a Sisyphean philosophy)  and sky-cladding.   He came to realize
the forgiving and loving power of Jesus Christ,  who is God above all gods and
Lord  above  the "lord of darkness".   "All have sinned and fall short of  the
glory  of God".   Tom is open to talking with anyone about the Lord Jesus  for
those interested.

   Jesus Christ is the Great High Priest and loves you ver much.   "For God so
loved the world,  that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
him  should not perish,  but have eternal life."[26]  Whoever can specifically
include Adler,  Bonewits,  Buckland,  Budapest, Cabot, Fox,  Frost,  Heidrick,
Forfreedom, Martello, Sintana, Slater, Starhawk, Stone, and Zell.  The whoever
also includes the solitary witch,  feminist wiccan,  magicians,  druids,  neo-
pagans,  god/dess worshippers,  satanists,  voodooists,  etc.    "And there is
salvation  in no one else;  for there is no other name under heaven  that  has
been  given among men,  but which we must be saved."[27]  That name is  Jesus.
When  pondering  about our Creator,  "we ought not to think  that  the  Divine
Nature is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and thought
of man."[28]

   Witchcraft   leads   to  Self-Realization,   self-deification   and   self-
glorification.    In  Scripture it says that Man is appointed to die once  and
after  this  comes  the judgement.[29]  Reincarnation does not have  its  name
carved on the pillars of Heaven,  but on the deceptive pillars of Hell.  There
will  be a physical resurrection (after Rites of Passage)  that will  lead  to
eternal separation from (opposite from Summerland) from the Almighty God,  the
Creator of Heaven and Earth.   There will also be a physical resurrection  for
the   believer  in  Jesus  Christ,   (who  died  for  their  sins  and   rose,
physically[30]).    That will be a glorious Day.   Tom came to know "the  real
purpose in life".

   "There  are depths of love that I cannot know till I cross the narrow  sea.
There  are  heights  of joy that I may not reach till I  rest  in  peace  with
Thee"[31] --  Jesus will give you that peace,  for He is the True and Almighty
God of Peace.   Reading the Gospel of John will give you an eternal glimpse of
what He has done for you.

              Tom Sanguinet, former wiccan, can be reached at
                             544 Edna St., Wills Point, TX 75169,
                             (212) 873-4340.

(for  further  reference material see _The Two Babylons_ by Alexander  Hislop,
New Jersey. Pub: Loizeaux Brothers, p.311).


 1. Kirkpatrick, R. George, Prof. _Abstract on Wicca_, California State
    University-San Diego. 1983, p. 1.
 2. Truzzi, Marcello, "Towards a Sociology of the Occult: Notes on Modern
 3. Valiente, Doreen. An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present. New York: St.
    Martin's Press, 1973, p. 157.
 4. Truzzi, ob-cit, pp. 636-637.
 5. Personal letter from Margot Adler to Jack Roper. November 26, 1982.
 6. The Circle Wicca Program, pub: Circle Wicca, Wisc., October, 1982.
 7. "Communicating with the Departed: Four Paths." Circle Network News. Fall
    1983, p. 13.
 8. Fox, Selena, "Mirror Magick." Circle Network News, Fall 1980, p. 4.
 9. Carlson, E. Leslie, "Gods" as seen in Baker's Dictionary of Theology. Ed:
    E. Harrison, Baker Book House, 1975, p. 248.
10. Circle Network News (CNN), Summer '81, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 3.
11. CNN, Fall '81, Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 3.
12. CNN, Fall '82, Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 2.
13. CNN, Winter '82-'83, Vol. 4, No. 4, p. 3.
14. CNN, Spring '83, Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 3.
15. CNN, Fall '83, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 3.
16. Stone, Merlin. "The Great Goddess: Who Was She?" in _The Politics of
    Women's Spirituality_. Edit: Charlene Spretnak, New York, Anchor Press/
    Double Day, 1982, p. 8.
17. Davidson, Gustav. "A Dictionary of Angels." New York, The Free Press,
    1967, p. 174.
18. Graves, Robert. "The Greek Myths." Great Britain, Pelican Books, 1960,
    Vol. 1, p. 102.
19. Wheatley, Dennis. "The Devil and All His Works." New York: American
    Heritage Press, 1971, p. 276.
20. Starhawk. "Witchcraft as Goddess Religion," as seen in _The Politics of
    Women's Spirituality_. op-cit, p. 55.
21. "Demon Possession" Edit: John Warwick Montgomery. Minneapolis, Bethany
    Fellowship, 1976.
22. Lyons, Delphine C. "Everyday Witchcraft." New York, Dell Publishing Co.,
    p. 31.
23. Circle Network News, Fall 1983, p. 17.
24. Op-cit. CMM, Fall 1980, p. 6.
25. Swindoll, Charles. "Growing Strong In The Seasons of Life." Oregon,
    Multnomah Press, p. 94.
26. Scripture: John 3:16
27. Acts 4:12
28. Acts 17:29
29. Hebrews 9:27
30. I Corinthians 15
31. "I Am Thine O Lord," Fanny Crosby. _Hymns for the Living Church_, Carol
    Stream, Ill., Hope Publishing Co., 1974, p. 354.

       "In  the  Holy Scriptures wisdom,  when used of God and good  men,
     always carries a strong moral connotation.  It is conceived as being
     pure,  loving,  and good.   Wisdom that is mere shrewdness is  often
     attributed  to evil men,  but such wisdom is treacherous and  false.
     These two kinds of wisdom are in perpetual conflict.  Indeed,   when
     seen  from the lofty peak of Sinai or Calvary,  the whole history of
     the  world  is discovered to be but a contest between the wisdom  of
     God  and  the cunning of Satan and fallen men.  The outcome  of  the
     contest is not in doubt.  The imperfect must fall before the perfect
     at last."
                                              _The Knowledge of the Holy_
                                                              A. W. Tozer

                    For more information, please, contact:

                                   C A R I S

                        Christian Apologetics: Research
                            and Information Service

               Jack Roper * P.O. Box 1659 * Milwaukee, WI 53201