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              Enjoy! - Talespinner, Sysop WeirdBase

                       NLP:  APPLIED MAGIC
                                             by Brandy Williams       
One:  Matching Representations                    
     In  studying  magic I've been exposed to a  lot  of  related 
fields--history,  mythology, music--which enrich my understanding 
of  my vocation.   One of the most helpful series of  books  I've 
encountered  is a set of five volumes starting with The Structure 
of Magic I. and II. which focus on... psychology.     

     John  Grinder and Richard Bandler developed the  field  they 
called  Neuro  Linguistic Programming,  or  NLP.   One  reason  I 
suggest  everyone I know become familiar with it is that  they've 
taught this stuff to salespeople, managers, Pentagon employees... 
I  see their techniques on television commercials and read  about 
them  in  seminar descriptions.  NLP is a people manipulator  par 
excellance,  and I think it's important others are made aware  of 

     Another  reason  is that it's so incredibly  useful.

     Consider  this:   "The  meaning of a  communication  is  the 
response  you  get." In their terms,  an  elegant  phrase.   It's 
changed  my  entire relationship with others.   If I  don't  make 
myself  clear,  I don't blame the listener.   I restate my  case, 
maybe  trying a different body language,  a different representa-
tional system, a little pacing... 

     Representational  system?  Well,  what senses do we  use  to 
explore the world?  Sight--hearing--touch, and taste and smell to 
a much lesser extent.  So how do we think?  In images, sounds and 
feelings--or,  in NLP terms,  in visual, auditory and kinesthetic 
representational systems.  

     What's interesting is that we all make images and sounds and 
feelings to store experience, but we're usually only conscious of 
using  ONE  system.   The words we choose to describe our  experi 
ences reflect that:   "I'm not very fo cused and I can't see what 
you're  saying."  Or,  "I've got a handle on the  feeling  that's 
been  bugging  me."  Or,  "I hear that,  it sounds like  it  will 

     Spend  one hour listening to people and you can verify this.  
Now,  if  I  say,  "I just can't feel good about that,"  and  the 
person I'm talking to says "I don't see what's wrong with it," my 
communication hasn't received the response I want.   If I  switch 
to  my  partner's most favored representational system  and  say, 
"Let  me  make  that clear to you.   It looks like a  really  bad 
situation,"  that's  one  way  to  match,  or  pace  my  partner.

     See  what I mean?   Or maybe that gives you a feel  for  the
power of this particular "psychology".

What  does  any of this have to do with paganism  or  magic?  
For starters,  I wonder how many circle conflicts could be solved 
by  something as simple as accomodating each other's most favored 
rep. system.

     In a working circle, is someone having trouble visualizing a 
goal?   Is someone else very good at constructing mental temples, 
but totally unable to feel when to release the energy?   Put them 
together,  get  them to trade notes and teach  each  other;  both 
skills are part of the same experience.

     When you direct rituals,  do you always include something to 
see or imagine, hear or sing, feel--in the body or tactually?  Do 
your  rituals  work for some people and not  others?   You  might 
check  to be sure you're satisfying everyone's most favored  rep. 

     The   function   of   magic  is  the   response   you   get.

     Works by John Grindler and  Richard Bandler:
     The Structure of Magic I.
     The Structure of Magic II.
     Frogs into Princes