Rev. Jones would have his readers believe that there are vast numbers of Satanists in North America; he also wishes his readers to believe that these Satanists commit an astonishing amount of crime. Those crimes, he insists people believe, spans the spectrum from shoplifting to infant murder and canibalism. As such, he targets his readership to law enforment personnel. What he seems to have failed to realize is that many police officers are members of the religions he slanders and libels.
Crime is crime, regardless of who is committing the crime. (That Rev. Jones cannot demonstrate that the crimes he asserts are even being committed, let alone by "Witches and Satanists," is very important, but secondary at the moment.) If members of his cult were in actual fact committing the crimes he asserts "Witches and Satanists" commit, one wonders if he would have bothered creating a newsletter exposing those crimes. The obvious fact is that Rev. Jones just doesn't like the fact that people worship differently than he does; he therefore attributes the perpetration of crimes to those people. Rev. Jones does not seem to care that the crimes he alleges may not have even occured; he cares only about persecuting people who worship in ways he does not personally approve.
Vile 18 #861 Published in 1986, number 1. This is the introductory issue of Jones' hate literature. It is here that Rev. Jones tells his readers there may be as many as 60,000 "ritual homicides" every year in the United States (compare that figure to the Vietnam war's American deaths: 51,080 Americans killed in its entire span). He uses the Police Department's address as the newsletter's contact address: one would assume that the newsletter is therefore coming from the police department and not from the basement of Jones' cult.
Vile 18 #863 Published in 1986, number 3. This is where Rev. Jones introduces his readers to a brief list of his enemies, the nature of "Satan," and a list of organizations and books he approves of. But first he cautions his readers to hide his literature from people who will be critical of his claims and agenda.
Vile 18 #871 Published in 1987, number 1. Here Jones' readers learn about how a vast conspiracy of "Witches and Satanists" are nearing completion of global domination by ushering in Satan on June 21, 1999. As I write this in August, 1999, I look around and notice no such infernal coup.
Vile 18 #875 Published in 1987, number 5. Rev. Jones goes into the gory details of what he believes Satanists do. He gets his beliefs from long-debunked material buy con-artists and liars, and cheerfully passes it on to his readers. He also wants his readers to fear "BBSs [...] known to have been carrying on discussions pertinent to paganism, magick, freethought, and liberal religion[....]" Hey, now, we cannot have people worshiping as they please, contrary to Jones' wishes, right? You bet.
Vile 18 #881 Published in 1988, number 1. Yet more pornography from Jones. Here we read about his selfless devotion to persecuting "occult criminals" (though I have yet to read about him actually making any convictions). He claims he publishes his hate newsletter to "save babies," though he has not bothered to demonstrate that any babies are in danger. If his slander were not hurting good, decent, innocent people, his rants would merely be amusing and engender pity.