Wayne Whitney's Postings: Number 114 In The Collection

From wwhit71151@aol.com Tue Jul 22 14:42:08 1997
Subject: Re: Where's Wayne Whitney?
Date: 22 Jul 1997 12:42:08 GMT
Message-ID: <19970722124200.IAA01768@ladder01.news.aol.com>

>>I haven't seen anything from him for what seems like a
couple of weeks. Has anyone been in touch with him?>>

I have! I am still alive and well here in Livermore California.

I got a bit burned out writing picket reports so I decided to take a break and concentrate on my true passion, PICKETING. That's where I feel I do the most good, right out there working directly with the public getting the warning message out. In addition I've also been working on a new flier detailing exactly WHY I am picketing this organization. I've had so many requests for a flier like this that I realized that I REALLY should have something like that to hand out. A flier like that, along with the answers to my most frequently asked questions, will be very useful to me in furthering my agenda.

During my hiatus SOOO much has happened out there that I've started writing up an SF picket update. Hopefully I'll be able to get this out sometime soon. This organization definitely hasn't heard the last of me yet. I'm just now getting warmed up and hitting my stride.

Wayne Whitney